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A Day In the Life
of A Forester
A Sampling of Real Michigan Foresters and the Wide Diversity
of Career Paths
people seem to believe that forestry is just about harvesting timber, planting
trees, and fighting fires. Of course, all those things are a part of forestry
but there is so much more. Forestry is actually an incredibly diverse field
with about as many options and possibilities as you can imagine. The entire
process of growing forests, protecting forests, learning about forests, and
making products from wood involves many biological, ecological, social, and
economic sciences. It's an exciting career field that has evolved over time
and continues to have exciting changes with new times. In grandpa's day (or
great-grandpa!), forestry had a lot to do with riding a horse and finding timber
to harvest. Today, we are facing high-tech designs, international markets, global
warming, new materials, a regulatory environment, and host of other changes.
Hopefully, the people below will help illustrate some of the wonderfully wide
aspects of traditional and evolving forestry. Michigan has hundreds of foresters
that work for many agencies, such as the federal government, state government,
counties, cities, industries, as private consultants, non-profit organizations,
and many others. The list is long! Take some time to explore a few of the many
aspects that are part of professional forestry.
The Michigan foresters highlighted here have volunteered
a brief sketch of their job, or a part of their job. They are all interested
in sharing the exciting story about forestry. Keep in mind that each of these
foresters have multiple dimensions to their careers, have other duties, and
may have served in other forestry roles in their past. This list will grow as
more foresters share a piece of their story. So, check back again to see what's
new and who's who. Also, check the video info below.
Silviculturist-DNR | |||
Administrator | Industry Forester-Procurement | Sociologist | |
Industry Forester-"TIMO" | Soil Scientist | ||
Arborist | Industry Forester-Wood Broker | State Forester | |
Conservation District Forester 1 | Industry Forester-Vice-President | Supervisor-National Forest | |
Conservation District Forester 2 | Inventory Specialist | Timber Buyer | |
Consultant 1 | Lobbyist | Timber Sale Administrator-DNR | |
Consultant 2 | Logger | Timber Sales Forester-Forest Service | |
Ecologist | Timber Sale Specialist-DNR | Tree Farm Group Certifier | |
Economist | Stewardship Coordinator | Unit Manager-DNR | |
Entomologist (insects) | Park Interpretor | University Forest Manager | |
Educator-Extension | Mycologist (fungi) | Urban Forester | |
Field Forester-DNR | Peace Corps Volunteer | Urban & Community Forestry Coordinator | |
Firefighter | Planner | Wildlife Biologist | |
Geneticist | Professor | ||
Hi-Tech Specialist | Recreation Manager | ||
Research Station Forester/Manager | |||
Michigan SAF has (had?) about 5 copies
the Foresters: Growing Forests for our Future
in VHS format or DVD. These are available for use by anyone who would like to tell the story
about forestry and foresters. Georgia Peterson has (had?) videos and DVDs [petersog@michigan.gov]. The video, in two parts, may still be available on the National SAF website at [http://www.safnet.org/lp/forestryvideo.cfm].
The description of the video is as follows:
Video Growing Forests for Our
Future (14 min.)
This energetic, dynamic,
and entertaining video presents an inside view of a profession that has a significant
impact on the nations natural resources:
A forester manages timber crops in conjunction with wildlife and watersheds
Urban foresters address storm water flooding, water quality, and loss of wildlife
Graduate students conduct DNA research to predict wood density
An educator works with children to illustrate the importance of forest management
Fire management professionals illustrate how fire can restore ecosystems
Forestry consultants work with landowners to better manage private lands
The video, designed for use with students (grades 6 and up) and adults, can
be used to help promote forestry as a career and to inform policymakers, the
media, and the public.
* 1999 Aurora Awards competition,
Platinum Best of Show
* CINE 1999 Golden Eagle Award for film making excellence
* 1999 American Society of Association Executives Gold Circle Certificate
Award Winner
* Award of Distinctionthe Communicator Awards Program
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This website is maintained
by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension
Forester in the Upper Peninsula. Comments, questions,
and suggestions are gratefully accepted.
Last update of this page
11 August, 2017