  SAF Tours 




MSAF Conference History

Since 1980, when the MSAF became its own Society, the MSAF has organized two professional forestry conferences each year for its members, other natural resource managers, and interested members of the public.   The record of these conferences is posted below.


2023, March Not Title. Mngt & Mkts, People & Education, Ecology & Urban, Public & Private Sector, Four Field Tours Grayling
2022, September Harris
2022, Grayling
2016, October Birds and the Bees Gaylord
2016, March People in the Forest Houghton
2015, September Forest Connections Conference Bay City
2015, April Forestry's Future: People, Products, and Technology Marquette
2014, May Forest Regeneration, Part 1 ???
2014, ??? Forest Regeneration, Part 2 Escanaba
2013, May Changing Forests in a New Climate Sault Sainte Marie
2013, October Michigan Biomaterials Initiative Traverse City
2012, May Water Quality & BMPs Houghton
2012, November Forest Parcelization in Michigan: Implications & Challenges Gaylord
2011, March The conference with no title St. Ignace
2011, October Battling Exotic Invasive Species in the Forest Cadillac
2010, March

Forest Management & Recreation
Joint conference with MSAF and WSAF

Marinette, WI
2010, November Considerations & Innovations for Managing Michigan's Lowland Forests Grayling
2009, April Today's Forests - Tomorrow's Markets - 2009
Joint conference with MSAF and CIF
Sault Sainte Marie
2009, October Managing Oak in the Northern Forest - 2009 Grayling
2008, April The Northern Hardwood Resource Marquette
2008, October Forestry In the 21st Century: Does It Have A Future? East Lansing
2007, May Emerging Technologies in Woody Biomass Use Escanaba
2007, October Forest Management in Riparian Areas Grayling
2006, May Feathers in the Forest Sault Sainte Marie
2006, September Perceptions, Partners, and Prescribed Fire Cadillac
2005, May Forests & Whitetails-Striving for Balance St. Ignace
2005, ??? The Future of Michigan's Forests; Proactive Management in a Changing Forest Environment ???
2004, March Public & Forestry Values and Land Management Activities Marquette
2004, April
Are We What We Think We Are - World Leaders in Forest Management? Joint with the Ontario Professional Foresters Association Sault Sainte Marie, ONT
2004, September

Managing Hard Mast Forest Species in Michigan;
Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges

2003, April Invasive Species: The Past, Present, & Future of Lake State Ecosystems Houghton
2003, October Forest Regeneration: Growing the Forests of Tomorrow Gaylord
2002, March Public Land Management Thompsonville
2002, October Linking Foresters/Forests; Cutting-Edge Technology St. Ignace
2001 Image Lansing
2001, October Forest Health Newberry
2000, ??? Tools & Techniques for Foresters in the 21st Century St. Ignace
2000, September Forest Certification Sault Sainte Marie
1999 Forest Law? Gaylord
1999 ??? ???
1998, February Lowland Conifer Management Escanaba
1998, October SAF National Convention Traverse City
1997 ??? ???
1997, September Red Pine Management Manistique
1996 ??? ???
1996 ??? ???
1995 ??? ???
1995 ??? ???
1994 ??? ???
1994 ??? ???
1993, April Timber Harvest - 2000 and Beyond Traverse City
1993 ??? ???
1992, April Pubic Relations - Mission Possible Escanaba
1992, October Forestry Through the Eyes of Others
-Working With the Visual Element
1991, April 90s Resource Management Challenges Marinette, WI
1991, October Biological Diversity Harbor Springs
1990, May Joint SAF / CIF Conference Sault Sainte Marie,ONT
1990, October Forest Practices Act Boyne Highlands
1989, April Forest Roads Marquette
1989, October Fire and Wildlife Boyne Falls
1988, April Forest Health-Acid Rain Sault Sainte Marie
1988, September Cadillac Pilot Project Big Rapids
1987, April Improving Forest Quality to Meet New Demand Escanaba
1987, October Foest & Wildlife Management Demands Boyne Falls
1986, April ??? Houghton
1986, October Resolving Land Use Conflict Ann Arbor
1985, April Education Traverse City
1985, October Wildlife and Site Iron Mountain
1984, April Forest Policy Issues Escanaba
1984, October Quality Hardwoods Sturgis
1983, April Resource Inventories Marquette
1983, September Wildlife Gaylord
1982, April Fuelwood Use Grayling
1982 ??? ???
1981, February The Political Process Green Bay, WI
1981, August Visual Management Sault Sainte Marie
1980, February Non-industrial Private Forestry Midland
1980, September Forest Protection Marquette




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This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 
Last update of this page was 5 October, 2016