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Cooperators Harvest Systems Results & Reports Video Conference Workshop Materials Home

Satellite Conference, 20 March, 2002


 Thank you for your time!  Please return this form to:

 Robin Hatcher
Wood Education & Resource Center
301 Hardwood Lane
Princeton, WV 24740-7513

As a host or coordinator for the Satellite Conference, we are very interested in learning about your observations on the success or failure of this technology.  Your responses will help us improve these kinds of learning venues in the future.

Where applicable, please circle a number using the following scale.

0 = not applicable   1 = poor   2 = below average
3 = average   4 = above average   5 = excellent

 City and State/Province of Satellite Conference  _______________________________________

 Were the telephone questions adequate?             0     1     2     3     4     5

 Were the email connections adequate?                0     1     2     3     4     5

 Was the satellite image and sound adequate in your facility?     0     1     2     3     4     5

 Were the pre-conference materials helpful?     0     1     2     3     4    5

 How many people attended the session that you coordinated?     __________

 Did you use the Participant Evaluation Form that we provided?     Yes  _____      No ______

 Were you satisfied with the amount and quality of communications employed to set-up the conference you hosted?

                                                            0     1     2     3     4     5

 Did you schedule any additional educational programming associated with this Satellite Conference?

                                                                                                             Yes  _____      No ______

 If yes, how many hours of additional educational programming? ____________

 Did you tape the broadcast for future use (there is NO copyright issue)?

                                                                                                             Yes  _____      No ______

 Do you have suggestions for additional materials?




 Would you be willing to host another Satellite Conference?

 Yes __________     No __________     Maybe __________

 Why or why not?




  Would you be interested in receiving post-conference materials (including the pre-conference-type materials that you received,    plus a video-tape of the two-hour broadcast)?

                                                                                                            Yes  _____      No ______

Do you have any additional ideas/topics for another satellite conference?




 Your contact information

 Name  _________________________________

 Organization/Agency  ____________________________________________

 Address  _________________________________________________________________________

 City / State/Province / Zip  ________________________________________

 Telephone (and area code)  _______________________________

 Email address  ___________________________________________

 Check here _________ if you wish to receive a participant evaluation summary for your site.


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This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 

Last update of this page was 08 July 2003





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