Introduction Forest Types
Forest Characteristics Management
Forest Contributions Special Considerations
The Forest Plan Assistance


                         From the Michigan Society of American Foresters

Finding Assistance

The Michigan Society of American Foresters (MSAF) represents approximately 450 professional land and resource managers within the State of Michigan.  The Society's objectives are to advance the science, technology, education, and practice of forestry in Michigan and in the nation and to use the knowledge and skills of the profession to benefit the public.  Our stated mission is responsible stewardship of Michigan forests while meeting critical needs of society.

Forests resources provide many benefits, including the potential for high monetary investment and returns.  The management of forest lands deals with a wide range of issues.  Decisions have long-term effect; an error in judgment or practice can affect stand conditions, composition, and associated resources for decades.  Cost-share and property tax programs are typically administered by the Michigan DNR, MDARD, or the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service.  Assistance comes in a variety of forms from different sources.  Therefore, the MSAF urges forest owners to avail themselves of the many sources of expert assistance, advice, and resources available in order to manage their forested lands in a professional and socially acceptable manner.  Those sources include:

Michigan Society of American Foresters –
Consulting Foresters -
Consulting Foresters –
Consulting Wildlife Biologists
Industrial Foresters from companies with a private lands program
Michigan Association of Conservation Districts – http:/ 
Michigan Department of Natural Resources & Environment-
Michigan Forest Association –
Michigan Forest Pathways –
Michigan Natural Features Inventory -
Michigan State University County Extension Offices -  
Michigan State University Department of Forestry -  
Michigan Technological University –
Michigan Tree Farm Program -
Natural Resource Conservation Service -


Michigan SAF Home Page

This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 

Last update of this page was 9 January, 2014




This site is hosted by School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University.

Michigan Tech