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Technical assistance is available from a variety of public agencies, corporations, consultants, associations, and others. Assistance from some providers is free, whereas, others charge a fee for their services. Names, addresses, and phone numbers are listed throughout this website, and you are encouraged to contact these providers for professional technical assistance. When making important management decisions, the advice of a forester should always be used. Foresters may work for loggers, sawmills, industries, their own companies, or public agencies. The trick is finding the right one for your needs.

wpe10.jpg (7640 bytes)Michigan Department
of Natural Resources

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Forest, Mineral, & Fire Management Division
Internet Connection

The mission statement for the Forest Management Division is as follows:
"The mission of the Forest Management Division is to provide for the protection, integrated management, and responsible use of a healthy, productive, and undiminished forest resource base for the social, recreational, environmental, and economic benefit of the people of the State of Michigan."

Among the DNR’s responsibilities are landowner assistance and public education. Certain DNR Foresters are charged with administering the Commercial Forest Program, the Forest Stewardship Program (plan writing), the Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP, cost-sharing), and as a information clearinghouse and sometimes administration of several additional programs targeting private forests. Private Forest Management foresters, assigned to each state forest area, are listed below:

DNRcfm.gif (13633 bytes) Eastern Upper Peninsula.
Central Upper Peninsula.  Ernie Houghton.  6833 Hwy 2-41.  Gladstone, MI  49837  (906) 786-2351.
Western Upper Peninsula. Gary Willis (part-time) Rt. 4 Box 796, Newberry MI 49868   (906) 293-5131.
Northeast Lower Peninsula.
Middle Lower Peninsula.
Southern Lower Peninsula. Mike Hanley. P.O. Box 30452, Lansing, MI   48909-7952   (517) 241-1608.


Wildlife Division
Internet Connection

Toad.jpg (8084 bytes)The Wildlife Division Private Lands Program in southern Michigan provides technical assistance to landowners interested in managing their lands for wildlife. Direct field visits, educational workshops, brochures, and fact sheets are provided. A major portion of the program is cooperative between Wildlife Division and the county Soil and Water Conservation Districts. For assistance, contact the local county Conservation District office or call Mark Sargent of the Wildlife Division at (517) 641-6667.

wpe10.jpg (7649 bytes)Conservation District Resource Professionals
   Internet Connection

Conservation Districts provide technical assistance and resource, education and outreach to citizens, landowners, and communities throughout the state.  This information and technical assistance includes tree planting, tree care, reforestation, forest management, wildlife habitat management, soil erosion control, timber harvest advice, forest tax laws, outdoor classrooms and backyard habitat, and presentations at local schools and workshops.  In 2002, the DNR and MDA eliminated the Cooperative Resource Management Initiative (CRMI) due to state budget cuts.  The loss of the CRMI caused many of the Conservation District Resource Professionals to seek employment elsewhere.  As a result, the delivery of services to Michigan landowners is more difficult in many areas of the state.          

Conservation District Resource Professionals (foresters or wildlife biologists) give management advice, and then usually refer landowners to others to provide the actual service.  Foresters who work for wood-using companies, wood suppliers (loggers), or those in business for themselves (consulting foresters) often provide some of the following

Timber sale preparation is a common service.  For example, on some timber sales the forester will mark, with tree marking paint, all of the trees to be harvested.  As each tree is marked, the diameter, merchantable height and species are recorded on a tally sheet.  From this data, the number of trees and volume is determined by species, and the landowner can be paid accordingly for the stumpage to be harvested.  Once the owner has accepted the offer, the forester prepares the timber sale contract and administers the contract through completion.

If a consulting forester prepares the sale, a timber sale notice describing the sale is sent out to numerous reputable buyers for bid.  It is common for bids to vary significantly, depending on the needs and markets of the buyers.  Once the owner has accepted a bid, the consultant prepares the timber sale contract and administers the contract through completion.  The successful bidder arranges for harvest of the sale and pays the consultant for the stumpage.   The charge for the consultant's services is deducted and the remainder paid to the landowner.

Forest Industry

Listed below are corporations that offer free forest management assistance programs for landowners. Each offers varying services, purchases varying forest products, and covers different areas of Michigan. Most will provide a field inspection, management plan, timber sale contracting and administration, tree marking, and timber product marketing. They may also be able to direct you to other foresters in your area who can also provide these services.

Louisiana Pacific Corporation
P.O. Box 80, Newberry, MI 49868
Biewer Sawmill
6251 Gerwoude, McBain, MI 49657 (616) 231-825-2855
DPI, Inc.
416 Ford Avenue, Alpena, MI 49707 (517) 231-354-2121
Dennis Werblow, Woods Manager
Louisiana Pacific Corporation
P.O. Box 98, Sagola, MI 49881
Jon Lamy, Resource Manager
S.D. Warren Company
8905 Silver Creek Road, Whitehall, MI 49461
NewPage Corporation
P.O. Box 1008, Escanaba, MI 49829
906-786-1660 x-2184
Packaging Corporation of America
766 Filer Street, Filer City, MI 49634
Mike Lesinski, Procurement Forester
Weyerhaeuser Company
4111 W. Four Mile Road, Grayling MI 49738
Paul Call, Raw Material Manager

In addition to these forest management assistance programs, many sawmills, logging companies, and other timber purchasers have professional foresters on staff for technical assistance. Most assistance, including timber cruising, management plans, sale setup and administration, is also provided free of charge. The Michigan Forestry Directory is an excellent resource. To purchase a copy, contact the Michigan Association of Timbermen at 800-682-4979.

Consulting Foresters
MSU Listing

A consulting forester offers professional services to private forest landowners on a fee basis. In addition to the previously mentioned services, some consultants may provide the following:

The membership directory of the Michigan Association of Consulting Foresters (MACF) is listed below, although this lists changes regularly and may contain outdated listings. There may be other consulting foresters in your area that are not members of this association, and therefore, have not been included in the following table. Either a DNR Private Forest Management Forester or a Conservation District Forester (Resource Professional) should be able to refer you to others in your vicinity. (These are both mentioned above.)

Consulting Foresters (partial list)


Street address

City, State, Zip

Phone number

Alguire, Steve 3800 S. Lee Point Rd. Suttons Bay, MI 49682 (616) 271-6620
Breedlove, David P.O. Box 25024 Lansing, MI 48909-5024 (517) 485-4245
Buehler, Peter Box 43 Cadillac, MI 49601 (616) 775-6734
Burhop, Carl P.O. Box 362 Dexter, MI 48130 (313) 426-6967
Burnett, Christopher 395 Karen Rd. Marquette, MI 49855 (906) 249-1296
Caouette, Robert Box 426 Newberry, MI 49868 (906) 293-5138
Cool, Robert P.O. Box 25024 Lansing, MI 48909-5024 (517) 485-4245
Cooper , Richard 5412 Indian Hill Rd. Honor, MI 49640 (616) 325-2175
Darling, Jason 403 E. Ash St. Mason, MI 48854 (517) 243-2000
Ekstrom, Lee P.O. Box 258 Boyne City, MI 49712 (616) 582-6724
Erbe, Leon 407 E. Ninth St. Mio, MI 49647 (517) 826-3421
Force, John 664 US 141 Crystal Falls, MI 49920 (906) 875-6034
Ford, Kenneth 1191 120th Ave. Hersey, MI 49639 (616) 734-2841
Francis, Dean 630 S. 16th St. Escanaba, MI 49829 (906) 786-3488
Good, Dennis 1107 S. Lacey Lake Rd. Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-7864
Grossman, Gerald P.O. Box 426 Newberry, MI 49868 (906) 293-8707
Jacques, Thomas E. 1251 Sparton Rd. Tawas, MI 48763 (517) 362-6245
Johns, Stanley Route 1, Box 475 Baraga, MI 49908 (906) 353-6547
Keiser, Gerald 2481 US 31 North Levering, MI 49755 (616) 539-7114
Kelley, Tom P.O. Box 87 Pelkie, MI 49958 (906) 353-7133
Klink, Peter P.O. Box 521 Coldwater, MI 49036 (517) 238-4048
Lawrence, Jerry L. 660 Charboneau Gaylord, MI 49735 (517) 732-4420
Long, Gary 1981 Nelson Rd. Merritt, MI 49667 (616) 328-4381
Miller, Todd Route 1, Box 64 Newberry, MI 49868 (906) 293-8707
Neph, David 10826 Kramer’s Way Cheboygan, MI 49721 (616) 627-7911
Puuri, Carl P.O. Box 41 Houghton, MI 49931 (906) 482-0550
Rieger, Bill P.O. Box 307 Barton City, MI 48705 (517) 736-8323
Sainio, Eino P.O. Box 105 Newberry, MI 49868 (906) 293-8601
Salo, Ken Route 1, Box 338 Republic, MI 49879 (906) 376-2132
Scott, Ronald E. 711 E. Chapin St. Cadillac, MI 49601 (616) 775-6334
Snyder, Jay 1718 Chandler Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 663-9741
Stadt, Thomas J. 13105 M-89 Augusta, MI 49012 (616) 731-4494
Steinkraus, Jeff 69411 Section St. Edwardsburg, MI 49112 (616) 663-3713
Throop, Scott P.O. Box 338 Vestaburg, MI 48891 (517) 268-5610
Titus, Jack 1955 Stone Rd. Fremont, MI 49412 (616) 924-5505
Tonkin, Luther N. Box 642 Land O’Lakes, WI 54540 (906) 544-2184
Wieringa, K. Todd P.O. Box 112 Ironwood, MI 49938 (906) 932-3997
Willis, Gary Route 1, Box 109 L’Anse, MI 49946 (906) 524-6525
Worst, Dennis 3409 Scenic Dr. N. Muskegon, MI 49445 (616) 766-2711

Christmas Tree Grower's List

Listed are nurseries that sell tree seedlings and shrubs. They may also be a source for planting information and supplies. Some County Conservation Districts run tree seedling sales programs. Bare-root seedlings are usually available and planted in the spring. Containerized seedlings can be planted any time the ground is thawed. They can often be ordered on-line from regional nurseries, such as the Itasca Greenhouse in Grand Rapids, MN.

Armintrout’s Nursery
1156 Lincoln Rd.
Allegan, MI 49010
Badger Evergreen Nursery
902 26th Street
Allegan, MI 49010
Bosch’s Countryview Nursery
10785 84th Ave
Allendale, MI 49401
Cascade Forestry Nursery
22033 Fillmore Road
Cascade, Iowa 52033
(319) 852-3042
(319)852-5004 Fax
Chippewa Plantation
P. O. Box 69
Fremont, MI 49412
Cold Stream Farm
2030 Freesoil Rd.
Freesoil, MI 49411
Conservation Resource Center
61591 30th Street
Lawton, MI 49065
Engel’s Nursery
940 Pleasant
Saugatuck, MI 49453
Fairplains Nursery
P.O. Box 45
Greenville, MI 48838
Great Lakes Nursery Company
1002 Hamilton St.
Wausau, Wisconsin 54403
(715) 848-9436 Fax
Hensler’s Nursery
Rt. 2, Box 52
Hamlet, Indiana 46532
Hramor Nursery
515 9th Street
Manistee, MI 49660
Itasca Greenhouse
P. O. Box 273
Cohasset, Minnesota 55721
Kobe Nursery
60315 County Rd. 653
Paw Paw, MI 49079-9208
Lake Superior Nursery
Rt. 1, Box 360
Baraga, MI 49908
Land-O-Pines Nursery
1056 N. Schoenherr Rd.
Custer, MI 49405
Phil Lemp
Rt. 1, Box 97
Cooks, MI 49817
Lubbers Nursery
6985 54th Ave.
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Michigreen Nursery
12777 N. Cedar
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Needlefast Evergreens
4075 W. Hansen Rd.
Ludington, MI 49431
New Life Nursery
3720 64th Street
Holland, MI 49423
Northern Pines Nursery
2300 S. Morey Road
Lake City, MI 49651
Fred Otten Nursery
8 West 32nd Street
Holland, MI 49423
Pakulak Seed and Nursery
4293 W. Hansen Rd.
Ludington, MI 49431
Peterson’s Riverview Nursery
873 26th Street
Allegan, MI 49010
Shue Nursery Products
5544 S. Ferris
Newaygo, MI 49337
Stempky Nursery
2666 Tryban Rd.
Cheboygan, MI 49721
Tree Source
303 S. Veronica Ct.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
Van Pines Nursery
7550 144th Avenue
West Olive, MI 49460-9709
(616) 399-1652 Fax
Wahmhoff Farms
11121 M-40 Hwy
Gobles, MI 49055
West Wisconsin Nursery
Rt. 4
Sparta, Wisconsin 54747
Wyman State Forest Nursery
Rt. 2, Box 2004
Manistique, MI 49854
Zelenka Evergreen Nursery
16127 Winans Street
Grand Haven, MI 49417

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This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 

Last update of this page was 27 January, 2015





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