A Guide to Technical, Educational, and Financial Forestry Assistance
for Michigan's Private Forest Owners.

What to ask, who to ask, and where to find it

Keys to Sustainable Woodland Management

Consulting Foresters
Michigan DNR
Tree Farm Program
Conservation Districts
Forest Industry


MSU Extension
Conservation Districts

Michigan Forest Association

Other Associations
Auto Tours
Demonstration Sites

Commercial Forest Program
Forest Stewardship Program (FSP)

Qualified Forest Property Program




The purpose of this forestry assistance information to the compiles sources of information and assistance that are often scattered and hard to find. Three major categories addressed are Technical, Financial, and Educational Assistance.

It is often said that help and information are out there, but sometimes just hard to find. This website may ease the process of finding what help is available and who to ask for the assistance. Informed forest management choices begin by asking the right people the right questions and getting the right information.

Information is based on input from numerous individuals and organizations. Every attempt has been made for quality and accuracy, however, it is not necessarily a complete listing and it cannot assume responsibility for the quality of services provided. There most likely are not on this website, that should be. Let Bill Cook know about them.

Keys To Sustainable Woodland Management

Forestry assistance is available from a variety of public agencies, corporations, consultants, associations, and others.  Assistance from some providers is free, whereas, others charge a fee for their services.  Names, addresses, and phone numbers are listed throughout this website, and you are encourage to contact these providers for professional assistance.   When making important management decisions, the advice of a forester should always be used.  Foresters may work for loggers, sawmills, industries, their own companies, or public agencies.  A forester is not in the same profession as a logger. A forester has knowledge and experience with the ecology, sociology, and economics of forest resources. A logger sometimes has some of this knowledge, but is largely concerned about the business of timber harvesting and marketing. The key is finding the right person for your needs.

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Michigan SAF Home Page

This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 

Last update of this page was 29 March, 2011





This site is hosted by School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University.

Michigan Tech