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FORESTRY & NATURAL RESOURCES LINKS (note-many of these links need updating, please help!)
These links are designed to reduce "surf" time. Organization into categories should make a search a bit easier. As links become outdated, or new suggestions arise, please inform Bill Cook. Listings with the word TEACHERS! or lettering with this pink color have teaching materials available. Additionally, many of these other sites have valuable information for curriculum development.
The hand bell icon indicates
sites particularly well-liked by the webmaster
(for one reason or another)!
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Michigan SAF Home Page |
SAF Certified Foresters - try browsing the on-line directory on the National Office web site. These people are not necessarily consultants but will likely be able to answer forestry questions you might have or direct you to other resources. Individuals come from a variety of agencies and forestry disciplines.
SAF National activities and updates. Links to other organizations.
Forestry information. Organizational news. Forest facts.
Has a section for K-12
The Canadian Institute of Forestry, Central Ontario Section The Canadian Institute of Forestry / Institut Forestier du Canada (CIF/IFC) has been the national voice for forestry professionals since 1908. Our mission is to advance the stewardship of Canada's forest resources through leadership, professional competence and public awareness. Our membership includes foresters, forest technicians, educators, scientists and others with a professional interest in forestry. We work in government, industry, research, education and consulting and represent the largest professional voice for forestry in Canada. The Central Ontario Section is one of 22 sections across Canada.
MACD - Michigan Association of Conservation Districts - Conservation Districts are front-line resources for forest owners, people interested in Michigan natural resources, and several cost-share programs.
MDARD - Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development - mostly related to farming and agriculture with some application to and news about forests and forestry. Administered the Forestry Assistance Program with Conservation Districts and the Qualified Forest Program (forest property tax reduction).
MDNR - Michigan DNR-Forests - forest facts, forest health, fire protection, forest products directory, recreation opportunities, and more. Offices for the Forest, Mineral, and Fire Management Division.
MDNR - Michigan DNR-Wildlife & Habitat - new issues, ongoing issues, hunting information, newsletter, surveys, fact sheets, programs, and more.
MDNR - Wood Products Directory - Various search/query options and industry summary charts.
NASF - National Association of State Foresters - directory of state foresters, state links, other links, and more information.
ACF - Association of Consulting Foresters of America - includes member lists by state and many links to forestry agencies and organizations in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere.
AF - American Forests - National Register of Big Trees, tree information, tree planting, and more. Promotes sustainable forests.
American Tree Farm System - a program
of the American Forest Foundation with over 70,000
tree farms nation-wide.
FOE - Friends of the Earth - offers a sensationalist perspective about such topics as world forests, climate change, and other issues. This site comes out of Great Britain with a British flavor.
- International Society of Arboriculture
- These are the folks who take care of trees in an urban and residential setting.
The site has a lot of good information about selecting, planting, and caring
for trees.
MACF - Michigan Association of Consulting Foresters - a partial list through the Michigan Forest Association.
MFA - Michigan Forest Association - is a non-profit, statewide organization of forest owners with indepth involvement in the political, scientific, and social aspects of forestry. Stewardship and management assistance information at this site.
MFB - Michigan Farm Bureau - the State's largest farm organization. Many issues impact forest policy and the practice of forestry. A true grassroots organization.
PLT - Project Learning Tree - TEACHERS! a program of the American
Forest Foundation. A nationally recognized tool for classroom environmental education.
For Michigan PLT information, contact Ada
Takacs. The Michigan PLT
program has a website, too.
SC - Sierra Club - an activist environmental group. Links to state chapters, including Michigan's Mackinac Chapter and regional groups within the state chapter. Links to other organizations.
TNC - The Nature Conservancy - an environmental organization that purchases and manages endangered habitats. The largest private system of nature sanctuaries in the world.
TNC - The Michigan Chapter of the Nature Conservancy - office located in East Lansing. Land Managed and Protected: More than 300,000 acres in Michigan through purchase, partnership or generous donations. The largest is the "Big U.P. Deal" that involves about 250,000 acres, including the Two-Hearted Reserve. Preserves Owned: 32, totalling more than 15,800 additional acres throughout the Upper and Lower Peninsulas. There are 12 preserves located in the Upper Peninsula, and 20 preserves in the Lower Peninsula. The Nature Conservancy has been working in Michigan since 1960 to protect Michigans finest wetlands, forest, shoreline, and prairies through purchase, partnership or donations.
TWS - The Wildlife Society national home page. TWS is the professional organization of wildlife biologists. The site includes information on the Society, membership, meetings, policy, publications, and professional certification.
WFI - World Forest Institute - is an international forestry network that offers services, products, country profiles, and many links (including some journals).
Michigan (and other) Forest Industries
Forest & Paper Association - A
trade organization with an extensive website, including resources about forestry
and for educators & students. AF&PA is the national trade association
of the forest, paper, and wood products industry. AF&PA represents a segment
of industry which accounts for over 8% of the total U.S. manufacturing output.
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative
is sponsored by the AF&PA.
Forest Resources Association (formerly the American Pulpwood Association) - A trade organization with some interesting facts and figures. An emphasis on timber harvest and harvest systems.
Lake States Lumber Association - An industry association working towards sustainable forestry and determined to become an educational and politically pro-active industrial association in a time that was perceived to be a time when our industry was under a great deal of environmental criticism and political scrutiny.
Michigan Association of Timbermen - A professional trade organization representing the forest products industry.
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. - NCASI has been an environmental resource for the forest products industry since 1943. It's mission is to assist the forest products industry in meeting its environmental goals. NCASI uses dues from its member companies for scientific research that leads to credible, usable findings.
Northern Michigan Hardwoods - Flooring products mill located in Petoskey.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative - a forest industry initiative from the AF& PA to practice sustainable forestry on industrial forest lands and those private enterprises with whom forest industry works. Michigan has a strong program, including an ongoing Sustainable Forestry Education program for logging contractors, foresters, non-industrial private forest owners, and others.
TAPPI's "Paper U" - A really cool educational resource into paper
and paper-making.
Verso Corporation - Michigan pulp & paper mills in Escanaba and Quinnesec. The Escanaba mill was formerly owned by Mead, MeadWestvaco, and NewPage. The Quinnesec mill was formerly owned by Champion International and International Paper.
Weyerhaeuser - Oriented-strand board mill located in Gaylord. Considerable information, including some educational resources.
Wisconsin Paper Council - Lots of information about paper-making, including
a "Fun & Learning" section.
Lake States Academic Institutions
KBS - Kellogg Biological Station - located in southwest Michigan, operated by Michigan State University. Their mission is to develop programs in research, education and extension directed toward a comprehensive understanding of the interdependence of natural and managed terrestrial and aquatic systems, and the conservation of natural resources.
MSU - Michigan State University - Forestry Department, located in East Lansing, Michigan. Programs, faculty & staff, course descriptions, facilities, and more.
MSUE - Michigan State University Extension - six regions and offices for each county, information resources, educational programs, events, staff, and more.
MSU/MAES - Michigan State University U.P. Forestry Research - Michigan AgBiosystems Research has 14 off-campus research facilities. In the U.P. there are three sites dedicated to forest research. Lands, tools, people, library, and trails. Teachers take note of trails designed for classroom education. Headquarters are near Escanaba at the Forest Biomass Innovation Center.
MTU - Michigan Technological University - School of Forestry & Wood Products, located in Houghton, Michigan. Information, research, school resources, academic programs, people, and other resources.
UM - University of Michigan - School of Natural Resources & Environment, located in Ann Arbor. People, academic programs, research highlights, current events, facilities/services, and selected resources.
UM - University of Minnesota - College of Natural Resources, located in St. Paul, Minnesota.
UMEX - University of Minnesota Extension Service - Environment and Natural Resources link. Lots of good information links. Publications.
UM/NRRI - University of Minnesota-Natural Resource Research Institute - located in Duluth, Minnesota. Programs, research, events, staff, and more.
UW - University of Wisconsin-Madison Forest Ecology and Management. Access to a faculty directory and course outlines is available.
UWEX University of Wisconsin Extension Forestry Extension home page. For the main UWEX page click here.
UWSP - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point - College of Natural Resources. General information, people, organizations, academic programs, and other resources.
Tree Images, Insects & Diseases
Asian Long-horned Beetle - This new import (Anoplophora glabripennis) has caused some concern among the forestry community. There are several websites that address the situation. Three good sites are 1) the USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS); and 2) the University of Illinois.
Emerald Ash Borer - A new and serious exotic pest affecting southeast Michigan (Agrilus planipennis). The U.S. Forest Service has a website, and MSU Extension has another website. There is a quarantine in effect.
DED - Elm, American - resistant to Dutch elm disease - one source of information about research and available stock. Document from the University of Minnesota. Two new varieties have been recently released, "Valley Forge" and "New Harmony". Click on "american.html" for American elm.
FIDLs - Forest Insect & Disease Leaflets - from the U.S. Forest Service. Really good on-line information about specific forest damaging agents. Includes photos of key identifying features.
ForestryImages.org is an excellent source of images on forests and forestry.
Michigan Forest Health - an interesting part of the DNR Forest Management Division web site. Specific information about the oak wilt and gypsy moth (including an education program). There is a newsletter, forest health links, and more.
Oak Wilt page from MSU Extension. Includes images.
Storm-Damaged Trees - information located on the Kellogg Biological Station website.
Tree Disease by Tree Species - Some disease problems for some trees, with images, on the MSU web site. Other categories by flowers, shrubs, and ground covers.
Tree ID Key for the U.P. - a website produced by Michigan State University
Extension to help teachers, students, forest owners,
and anyone else identify the trees of the Upper Peninsula.
Tree Problems Listed by Species - USDA NRCS database. Query by common name, scientific name, NRCS symbol, family, or genus. This is not an identification tool, you must an idea of what you want before using this tool.
USDA Plants Database - An
excellent database for many plants, including trees. Must know the common
name or the scientific name of a particular plant to access the database.
The Virtual Foliage Home Page from the University of Wisconsin - A great tool for multiple images of trees (dendrology), general botany, fungi, and a collection of 3,280 taxonomic images. Vegetation of Wisconsin on-line from Virginia Kline. Requires some knowledge of plant taxonomy.
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency - a federal agency with the mission to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment air, water, and land upon which life depends.
FWS - Fish & Wildlife Service - is a federal agency working to conserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats. Major responsibilities are: migratory birds, endangered species, freshwater and anadromous fish, the National Wildlife Refuge System, wetlands, conserving habitat, environmental contaminants.
FSA - Farm Service Agency - administers the Conservation Reserve Program which can provide cost-share dollars for tree planting and some other forestry practices. Click on "Conservation Programs" on their web site.
NFF - National Forest Foundation - a non-profit organization for the U.S. Forest Service, created by Congress. Information about the Forest Service and national forests.
NRCS - National Resource Conservation Service - is a federal agency that works in partnership with the American people to conserve and sustain our natural resources. Generally oriented towards agriculture, but has forestry-related cost-share programs (ie. WHIP & EQIP), a Plants Database, and is the parent organization of local conservation district foresters. NRCS - Michigan has more state-specific information.
USDA - Farm Service Conservation Programs - and other services of and information about the Farm Service.
USFS - Washington D.C. - National headquarters with a lot of national forest information, including pathways to individual forests. Also information about forestry assistance, global resources, people, research, maps, and much more.
USFS - North Central Research
Station - Field Office, St. Paul, Minnesota. On-line publications,
more web site links, Stewardship Incentive Program, forest health info, tree
planting/nursery info, urban forestry, fire, products & economics, on-line
forums, staff directory, and more.
USFS - Northeastern Research Station - Newton Square, Pennsylvania. One of seven U.S. Stations. Publications, research, etc.
USFS - Forest Inventory Data
- forest inventories by state and county. Requires knowledge of USFS inventory
procedures and definitions to fully utilize the program. For maps related to
U.S. forest distribution, forest type distribution, and some species distribution,
click here.
USFS - Forest Products Lab - located in Madison, Wisconsin. Serves the public as the nation's leading wood utilization research institute.
ABOUT.COM - has a Forestry Section managed by Steve Nix. There is LOTS of information with many interlinked sites. The "home" page has a long list of topics to choose from.
ADOPT a FOREST - www.cleanforests.org An organization for those willing to help clean up forest areas that are "trashed up".
Directory of Forest Products, Wood Science, and Marketing, by Steve Shooks.
An Internet guide of over 1,800 links to all sorts of organizations and information
The Forestry Guide serves a national internet audience. The site is maintained by Steve Nix, an Alabama forester and SAF member. The Guide has links to a wide array of subject areas. Good information for both the public and natural resource professionals, including a bulletin board and chat room (Java required).
FORESTRY FACTS - Various "fact"
sheets from different sources. SAF, Michigan
Forests Forever, Temperate Forest Foundation,
International Paper. Good facts for teachers.
Forestryindex.net is sponsored by
the Cooperative Extension Service and the USDA Forest Service. It is a
growing set of forestry references. Topic categories include: Business/Finance/Economics,
Conservation Education, Environmental Management, Forest Wildlife, Health, Current
Issues, Management, Mensuration/Measurements, New Technology, Policy & Administration,
Regeneration, Taxation, Tree ID, Urban Forestry, and Wood Products.
ISA - International Society of Arboriculture
- These are the folks who take care of trees in an urban and residential setting.
The site has a lot of good information about selecting, planting, and caring
for trees.
MADA - Michigan Arbor Day Alliance - A group of individuals from various agencies that coordinate Michigan Arbor Programs and Arbor Day information.
Martindale's Virtual Bioscience Center - A large collection of information about biological sciences with many links to related websites. General topic headings are: Biology, Botany, Ecology, Entomology, Marine, Microbiology, Molecular & Genetic, Mycology, and Protist.
MDNR - Wood Products Directory - Various search/query options and industry summary charts.
MFPA - Michigan Forest & Parks Association - To promote and improve the practice of urban forestry, park management, commercial arboriculture, utility forestry, and arboriculture in all its aspects.
Forests Forever Teachers Guide -
A comprehensive source of forest and forestry information to develop curriculum
from. Includes a high school forestry curriculum from the Rapid River
High School environmental studies class. Keyed to the Michigan Curriculum
SEEK - Sharing Environmental Educational Knowledge - This large web site assembles much of the Environmental Education centers, schools, programs, etc. for the State of Minnesota. One good lead on the site is Home Page click on Links to Other Sites; on Explore Page scroll down to Schools and click on Teacher On-Line Projects. There are many other school projects listed, too. A great tool for Minnesota!
TAXES! Timber taxation information for the private landowner. A useful guide through Purdue University and Dr. Bill Hoover, nationally recognized expert in federal timber taxation. At the main page, under the "What's New" heading, click on "Timber Taxes". There's also a timber tax survey. On-line IRS forms can be obtained from the IRS web site.
TWW - Teaming With Wildlife - An organization to assist funding of programs to conserve populations of wildlife species. A national legislative initiative and coalition with the intent to "to reverse alarming declines in fish and wildlife before species become endangered", "to meet escalating demands for outdoor recreation and education opportunities" and "to assure an economic future for nature tourism and the outdoor industry".
TWS - The Wildlife Society national home page. TWS is the professional organization of wildlife biologists. The site includes information on the Society, membership, meetings, policy, publications, and professional certification.
T&E - Threatened & Endangered Species and Species of Special Concern. The Michigan DNR Wildlife Division has a TNE page on their website.
TIMBER PRICES - Southwest Michigan - Maintained by the Michigan State University Kellogg Biological Station. Learn about successful timber sales, current prices, how to get forestry assistance, and much more. The price information is local but the process can be applied just about anywhere.
TREE ID KEY - a website produced by Michigan State University Extension
to help teachers, students, forest owners, and anyone else identify the trees of the Upper Peninsula.
WWW Virtual Library: Forestry - a huge resource with many links to all sorts
of forestry-related organizations and programs, world-wide.
ACF - Association of Consulting Foresters of America - includes member lists by state and many links to forestry agencies and organizations in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere. The Michigan Association of Consulting Foresters is listed below.
CERTIFIED FORESTERS - by the Society of American Foresters - try browsing the on-line directory on the National Office web site. These people are not necessarily consultants but will likely be able to answer forestry questions you might have or direct you to other resources. Individuals come from a variety of agencies and forestry disciplines.
COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICTS - in the phone book under county name and "Soil & Water Conservation District" or "Conservation District", these districts often employ foresters, wildlife biologists, and other natural resource folks that provide on-the-ground advice and management planning. For a state-wide directory, click here. For the Conservation District website, click here. For the Forestry Assistance Program.
DNR - The Michigan DNR provides management services for the private landowner through the development of Forest Management Plans, helps direct cost-share programs, and administers the Commercial Forest Program. Call the nearest DNR office, Forestry Division, and ask for the nearest private forest management specialist (there are only a few). For the general DNR Forestry web site, click here.
FOREST SERVICE - Forest Landowner's
Guide to Internet Resources. A great source for leads to a lot of
information. There are three main parts; 1) publications, brochures,
and fact sheets organized by subject area, 2) Internet resource organized
by State, and 3) other resources (agencies, newsletters, organizations).
It's an excellent "connector" site maintained by the USDA Forest Service
State & Private Forestry, Northeastern Region.
prepared by the Michigan Society of American Foresters. A 27 page booklet
describing characteristics & contributions of Michigan's forests, management
planning, silvicultural systems, harvesting methods, and more. For a free
copy, contact Bill Cook at 906-786-1575 or cookwi@msu.edu, or click
here for an on-line version.
FORESTRY FORUM - www.forestryforum.com.
Find a forester or sawmill. Pose questions
in a chat room environment. Lots of Michigan related information and access
Forestryindex.net is sponsored by
the Cooperative Extension Service and the USDA Forest Service. It is a
growing set of forestry references. Topic categories include: Business/Finance/Economics,
Conservation Education, Environmental Management, Forest Wildlife, Health, Current
Issues, Management, Mensuration/Measurements, New Technology, Policy & Administration,
Regeneration, Taxation, Tree ID, Urban Forestry, and Wood Products.
GLOSSARY of FORESTRY TERMS - www.timberbuyer.net/glossary.shtml Oriented particularly towards timber harvesting and forest engineering.
INDUSTRIAL FORESTERS - in some areas, foresters from paper companies, sawmills, and other forest industries will provide information and/or services. The range of information/services will vary widely. Public assistance foresters generally know the programs in their areas.
LOG RULES- www.timberbuyer.net/toolbox.shtml
This portion of the Timber Buyers Network explains different log rules and has
several log and tree volume calculators on-line.
MACF - Michigan Association of Consulting Foresters - a partial list through the Michigan Forest Association. Consultants provide the widest range of forestry services to the private forest owner.
MFA - Michigan Forest Association
- is a non-profit, statewide organization of forest owners involved in the political,
scientific, and social aspects of forestry. Stewardship and management assistance
information at this site. Click on "forest management
Library - These are documents that Bill Cook (MSU Extension Forester in
the Upper Peninsula) has used in various workshops or has made available for
other reasons. There are nearly 100 files in PDF format (need Adobe Acrobat
Reader) placed in several natural resource categories.
MSUE - Michigan State University Extension - 13 districts and offices in most counties, information resources, educational programs, events, staff, and more. Access to MSU bulletins.
NRCS - Natural Resource Conservation Service - is a federal agency focused on agriculture, but has some programs beneficial to forest owners, particularly EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program), WHIP (Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program), and FLEP (Forest Land Enhancement Program). Look in the phone book under "United States Government".
SAF "Forest
Management Guidelines for Michigan" - A 1998 publication by the Michigan
SAF. A guide to forestry and forest management practices for the landowner,
educator, and any other interested groups.
TAXES! - Timber taxation information for the private landowner. A useful guide from Purdue University and Dr. Bill Hoover, a nationally recognized expert in federal timber taxation. At the main page, under the "What's New" heading, click on "Timber Taxes". There's also a timber tax survey. On-line IRS forms can be obtained from the IRS web site.
TERMINOLOGY - a glossary of forestry terms for those who don't know the jargon. We foresters tend to have our own language that we don't always define particularly well. Try out this glossary on the Forestry Guide.
TIMBER BRIDGES - Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry has a website dedicated to "Wood in Transportation". The site has an information center, publications, and related topics.
TIMBER BUYERS NETWORK - www.timberbuyer.net
Lots of information about Michigan forests and forestry . . . forest health,
log rules, tax links, forest industry, forest facts, chain saw safety, and much
TREE ID KEY - a website produced by Michigan State University Extension
to help teachers, students, forest owners, and anyone else identify the trees of the Upper Peninsula.
TREE FARMS - American Tree Farm System - a program of the American Forest Foundation, provides an excellent magazine, opportunities for field days, a certification program, and more. A recognition program for good forest management with over 70,000 tree farms nation-wide. Michigan Tree Farm Program.
This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension
Forest in the Upper Peninsula. Comments, questions,
and suggestions are gratefully accepted.
Last update of this page was 20 September, 2005
This site is hosted by School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University.