Strategic Plan 2005
SAF Strategic Plan 2005
(as of Dec. 4, 2004)
Because SAF must be responsive to member needs and must proactively meet rapidly changing expectations in both the profession and society at large, and
that SAF's Mission is to:
a) advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry
b) enhance the competency of members
c) establish professional excellence, and
d) use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to
ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present
and future availability of forest resources to benefit society,
given that SAF's Core Values are:
a) forests are a fundamental source of global health and human welfare,
b) forests must be sustained through simultaneously meeting environmental,
economic, and community aspirations and needs,
c) foresters are dedicated to sound forest management and conservation,
d) foresters serve landowners and society by providing sound knowledge and
professional management skills,
Therefore SAF's Strategic Plan is comprised of the following Strategic Outcomes and associated Basic Strategies that will be addressed throughout all levels and component bodies of SAF. In particular, emphasis and support will be directed to developing the quality of activities and programs at the local level. The Suggested 2005 Actions provide guidance to the National Office, local and other units for focusing their programs and activities. Each unit should develop their own Actions to suit local situations, volunteer capacity, budget, and priorities.
Outcome #1: A Strong, Forward-Thinking Organization
SAF is recognized by all technical and research foresters as their primary
professional Society that meets their needs for service, networking, and
professional growth.
" Seek to achieve a profession with membership that is as diverse as
society at large.
" Create an environment that welcomes and includes those having or
developing specialized knowledge and experience in forestry.
" Target recruitment of students, graduates, and faculty associated
with SAF recognized or accredited programs and retain them as members, and
recruit other students who show an interest in joining the field of forestry.
" Promote professional excellence.
" Promote a vital and stimulating organization at all levels.
" Promote awareness of internal and external factors, and current and
emerging issues, affecting society and the profession.
" Provide effective communication and mutual support among members.
" Provide a forum for open and civil discussion of philosophies and
" Explore opportunities for SAF members to participate in international
forestry programs.
" Foster partnership between all SAF units and the National Office
to attain strategic objectives.
Actions 2005 (to be identified by each SAF unit and the National Office)
" Develop specific tactics to address membership recruitment and retention
" Develop tactics and programs aimed at invigorating less-active chapters
and working groups, and field well-qualified nominees for SAF recognition
and leadership development opportunities.
" Make specific efforts to welcome and invite technician, undergraduate
and graduate students, faculty, and recent minority and women graduates
to become SAF members.
" Continue diversity scholarship initiatives and incentives to provide
potential and existing members opportunities to attend SAF events, meetings
and conventions.
" Engage SAF's World Forestry Committee, Working Groups, and local
units in Council and SAF unit dialogues on future international forestry
opportunities and needs.
" Conduct dialogues and assess internal attitudes and perceptions about
the broad field of forestry, seek active involvement of scientists and technical
specialists in SAF products, publications and services so programs and activities
are enhanced.
Strategic Outcome #2: Enhanced Service to Landowners and Employers
SAF is an organization that promotes sound scientific and experiential knowledge
to meet landowner and employer objectives.
" Enhance capacities to serve landowners and society with personal
integrity, ethical behavior and accountability.
" Promote management that ensures the availability of sustainable supplies
of timber and non-timber goods and services to meet expanding landowner
and societal needs while sustaining diverse forest values.
" Promote direct benefits of SAF membership to employers of professional
Actions 2005 (to be identified by each SAF unit and the National Office)
" Communicate evaluations of alternative forms of certification and
regulation of management practices.
" Summarize and communicate information on Best Management Practices
and forest practice regulation.
" Dialogue with employers, clients, and partners about the benefits,
value and opportunities SAF membership and programs provide to enhancing
the services and expertise professional foresters bring to their work and
employers and how these services could be further improved.
Strategic Outcome #3: Enhanced Service to Society at Large
SAF will be broadly recognized as the primary organization that fosters
sound scientific and experiential forestry knowledge to balance society's
current and emerging needs and values ranging from commodities to wilderness
and protection of the environment.
" Provide the public, educators, and decision-makers with current scientific
information related to forestry.
" Gain broadly based public support by demonstrating that professional
stewardship of forest resources is the most effective means to achieve a
balance between people's needs from forests and society's environmental
" Refine and communicate our collective professional view regarding
the importance of managing forests.
" Expand local and national media exposure to the profession of forestry.
" Expand the cultural diversity of SAF communications themes and contacts.
" Expand the dialogue with environmental organizations, community groups,
and elected officials.
Actions 2005 (to be identified by each SAF unit and the National Office)
" Proactively use SAF's mission, core values, publications and Walk-In-the-Forest
and Ask-A-Forester activities to show how the Society shares public values.
" Develop and strengthen media and editorial working relationships
to profile SAF and how it helps solve contemporary professional forestry
problems as well as provide societal benefits and respect values important
to America and the world. .
" Develop and present to teachers and youth groups, the concepts of
sustainable forest management, conservation and professional forestry.
" Explore opportunities to develop public and private incentives for
payments to forest landowners and entities for current non-market valued
forest environmental services.
" Continue to enhance our participation in the broader natural resource,
environmental and business communities so that society realizes the contribution
SAF can make in helping solve problems in concert with partners and key
" Explore opportunities with urban foresters and elected officials
to enhance SAF unit partnerships and progress in metropolitan cities and
Strategic Outcome #4: Effective Engagement in Forest Policy
SAF will be recognized by decision-makers and in policy development as the
leader in providing credible and reliable forestry information.
" Expand the use of current, high-quality scientific and technical
information in development of forest policy at the local, state, national,
and international levels.
" Effectively engage and advocate in all important forestry-related
public policy issues at the national, state, and local levels.
" Become a leader in policy development, communication, and delivery
strategies for sustainable forest management systems.
" Work cooperatively with other natural resource professional organizations
to better integrate management of forests and to strengthen the voice of
the natural resource community.
Actions 2005 (to be identified by each SAF unit and the National Office)
" Identify current and emerging forest science, management, policy,
and conservation issues for which position statements or white papers are
needed or which could form the basis for local or regional conferences or
" Develop and present field programs to inform decision makers of the
principles and practices of sound forest management.
" Enhance the Committee on Forest Policy, the Forest Science and Technology
Board and Working Group agreements to provide improved science information
and involvement in SAF policy development and public communication and access
to adopted SAF policies, their rationales, and practical policy and practitioner
applications and impact.
" Provide SAF members and partners opportunities for policy training
and experience to continue learning, designing effective dialogues and forums,
and applying contemporary approaches in field trips and educational policy
activities and events.
Strategic Outcome #5: Enhanced Professional Education, Performance, and
Leadership Capability
SAF is recognized for having high professional forestry standards in service
to society.
" Maintain and enhance standards for professional forestry education.
" Expand the use of current, high-quality scientific and technical
information in professional education.
" Provide ethical awareness, education, and training at all levels
of the organization.
" Foster a climate for life-long learning.
" Aggressively champion credentialing programs involving forestry and
its specialties.
" Continue the Leadership Academy as the foundation of SAF's leader
" Promote opportunities for leadership development and succession for
all members.
Actions 2005 (to be identified by each SAF unit and the National Office)
" Secure funding for, and member participation in, the Leadership Academy.
" Provide leadership training for local SAF members.
" Evaluate the needs and opportunities for long-distance learning,
conferencing, and virtual committee meeting using electronic media.
" Provide SAF Code of Ethics and Certified Forester training and educational
forums for members, partners, and leaders.
" Work with states interested in using the Certified Forester program
for credentialing forestry and its specialties.
" Encourage Working Groups to participate in national convention through
the poster and technical sessions, and field trips.
" Promote Council, Forest Science and Technology Board, SAF units and
local National Association of Professional Forestry Schools and Colleges
(NAPFSC) leader dialogues on challenges, opportunities and needs for enhancing
professional forestry and forest science in SAF and forestry and natural
resource- based educational institutions.
Strategic Outcome #6: Development and Sound Stewardship of SAF's Resources
SAF at all levels is recognized for conserving and enhancing its human,
financial, and physical resources.
All Levels:
" Value and respect colleagues and employees and their contributions
to the organization.
" Develop non-dues ways and means of securing funds that support programs
and activities.
" Develop methods that ensure sound budgeting, financial management,
and reporting.
National Office:
" Offer competitive salary and benefits to employees.
" Provide stimulating work environment and growth opportunities.
" Foster a diverse workforce.
" Develop and implement a 5-year financial plan, updated annually.
" Enhance and maintain a national structured giving program.
" Develop investment guidelines providing safeguards to protect and
use reserve funds.
" Continue to provide prudent oversight to managing SAF's property
assets in Bethesda, Maryland
Actions 2005 (to be identified by each SAF unit and the National Office)
" Conduct fund raising at state, local and national meetings, and emphasize
SAF's planned giving program to achieve annual and long-range financial
objectives that further SAF's mission and professional forestry objectives.
" Review current financial accounting and auditing systems for all
SAF units.
" Implement a multi-year capital needs budget that effectively addresses
Wild Acres and national office facility needs to protect SAF investments
and facilities.
" Establish specific yearly and five-year revenue objectives that make
progress towards strengthening yearly operating fund capabilities, enhancing
and growing the SAF Science Fund, Foresters' Fund, and other dedicated funds
to provide resources to implement the quality of SAF programs important
to all SAF units and contributors.
" Implement strategy for the SAF Task Force on Volunteer Organizational
Structure recommendations in concert with SAF members and units.
" Provide for leadership and development opportunities for SAF staff
at the national, state, and local levels.
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This website is maintained
by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension
Forest in the Upper Peninsula. Comments, questions,
and suggestions are gratefully accepted.
Last update of this page
17 May, 2006