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Michigan SAF Minutes
Executive Team Minutes, 7 May 2007, Gladstone, Michigan

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Attending: Ron Scott, Ernie Houghton, Craig Kasmer, John Pilon, Bernie Hubbard, Glenn Moll, Bill Cook, Les Homan, Georgia Peterson, Amy Douglass, Doug Lee, Mike Elenz, John Penagor, Doug Heym, John Hamel, Don Howlett

Meeting opened at 7:12pm, Don & Linda Howlett's home accompanied by wonderful dinner.

Approve agenda: Doug Heym
Agenda moved to be accepted by Don H., seconded by Les H.

2007 Vice-chair update: Doug Heym.
Ernie Houghton and Martha Sjogren are the candidates, approved by Executive Team in January. Draft was created by Jason Mittlestat., but ballots have not yet been mailed, or e-mailed. Bill C. would be willing to help with mailing out of his office, billing cost to SAF. Discussion ensued involving how to arrange e-mail-only ballots (and other state chapter correspondence) to those in the state that want it. This is also being arranged nationally, which means the Michigan Chapter could include its nominees on the national ballot. This would place greater pressure on the state nominating committee (headed by past-chair). Electronic ballots would need to be submitted to national by the end of September.

Secretary's Report: Jason Mittlestat.
Georgia Peterson subbing for Jason M. Please be kind & speak slowly. Doug H. circulated the minutes from the January executive team meeting in February, with some corrections. Don H. moved to approve, Les H. seconded.

Treasurer's Report: Jack Pilon.
Circulated budget estimate & income to-date. $400 from National Education Fund is being withheld until a final report on the Auto Tour is completed. Glenn M. needs to know when the "drop dead" date for project completion is. He intends to complete it by the end of calendar year (or frost is in the ground).

An additional $500ish (on top of the listed $100) has been requested by Bill Hasse for the latest issue of the Michigan Forester.

Student chapter line item of $500 is intended to be divided between MTU and MSU for national meeting, and must be active SAF members. UP and LP chapters are typically responsible for budgeting student travel/registration costs for spring and fall meetings.

Bill C. moved, John H. seconded, to solidify this arrangement of $500 split to national. John H. suggests there should be an application process/procedure. Doug H. will follow up on this suggestion.

Chair comments: Doug Heym
Growing Forests for Our Future Video:  Mailed to the 26 conservation District Foresters. Follow-up from Chris Burnett. Agreed to pay the postage, Jack P. says around $50. Les H. says it's an excellent video. Schools in which it was played drew rapt attention among students.  Viewing will take place at the banquet.  Other copies available from the Chair. Bill C. suggests we circulate an announcement via e-mail. Georgia P. will convert to DVD and try to convert to .mov version for availability on Michigan SAF website.

MiBCI-Michigan Bird Conservation Initiative:  Rich Stevenson joined a meeting via conference call. Trying to get organized, no not-for-profit status yet. TNC (they think) volunteered to pursue this. Jack P. also volunteered his services if needed.

Conservation Summit:   General funding continues to slip for environmental programs in DNR, DEQ, and MDA, expenses/demands on resources continue to increase. Splinter group headed by MUCC, TNC, Heart of the Lakes and MEC (supported by others) agreed to follow up on the February Summit meeting. SAF has agreed to participate (Mike Moore). Latest meeting took place today (May 7). They're arranging both short-term and long-term objectives. Is there further interest in SAF's involvement?

Wildlife Action Plan Partner's Meeting:  Doug L. participated. He was involved in the fragmentation session. Forestry was underrepresented. The DNR Wildlife division staff will assemble the list of compiled issues and share with the larger group. There will be follow-up meetings that Doug L. will continue to be involved in.

Spring MSU forestry camp and SAF get together in May  Taking place at Pigeon River, headed by Dave MacFarlane. Signed up new student SAF members as a result. Sent out e-mails to SAF members near Pigeon River area to participate in forestry camp on Monday, May 14th.

Update Green Book? Voluntary Forest Management Guidelines for Michigan:  People still ask for this. But it's about 10 years old, do we need to pursue an update? Shall we pursue partners who are also interested in sharing this info, like MFRA/MAT/MFPC/MSUE? Strengths in Michigan's version are that it's brief. Bill C. and Doug H. volunteered to assemble ad-hoc committee to pursue revision.
Archivist/Historian Position: Doug Heym.
Nobody in these positions at this time. We don't know where the archives are located. Glenn will look into (see following paragraph). Jerry Grossman has the file cabinets (2) from Champion and at least one big box of archives. Bernie H. has a box of files. Bill C. also has a box. He was talking about the idea of possibly using a high-speed scanner and digitizing relevant material. Craig K. has acquired a storage system and is willing to store them at Hartwick Pines. If all files can be directed to that location, Craig can complete the task. Jack P. will be willing to visit Hartwick Pines once they're all there, and help sort through the stuff.

UP Auto tour: Glenn Moll.
See handout. Wisconsin Wild Rivers Interpretive Center interested in some of our old signs, committee agreed that this would be fine.
UP Sustainable forestry and Wildlife Fund? Bill Cook will get form to Glenn to fill out. Glenn hates grant applications. Will someone else do it? Don H. will take a draft, and Les H. will help.

Glenn M. recently contacted MDOT regarding our new permit for the signs. He hasn't received it yet, but Ron Rushtin said it would be forth coming.

Georgia P. suggested placing a telephone number on the signs that travelers could call with their cell phones, leading them to an automated directory that describes the different forest types the travelers encounter. This technique may not work well, since the numbers couldn't be large enough for someone to read/call/write down while driving by at 55-60mph. Consider advertising a number on other, more widely distributed materials. Or, work with Travel Michigan to tie into the Auto Tour. Georgia P. will contact her connection at Travel Michigan to see if this is feasible. What about connecting with EUPNTA to advertise? Chris Rector at Northern Initiatives? Or, is a website sufficient?

Is there a cheaper printer for the brochures? We'll need more by 2008. Doug L. will ask about the cost with a printer he knows.

Duke's Experimental Forest Re-measurement proposal (Christel Kern-MN):
Direct contribution or Forester's Fund Grant? Doug will pursue the mission of the FF Grant, and go from there. Jack P. also expressed a concern about the cost of this project in the face of weak spring & fall meeting attendance (fiscal conservatism).  Bernie talked with Terry Strong (Wisconsin counterpart to Gus Erdman), who thought it's a good idea. Doug H. will continue to pursue this, in the face of confusing signals.

Membership: Amy Douglass.
Discuss UP sub-chapters at next UP Chapter meeting. Are they needed in the formal National SAF structure? National would like to eliminate these if not necessary. There is a cost of maintaining the information. These sub-chapters have been dropped, resulting in the Upper Peninsula Chapter.

The Chair is writing a letter to new members each month when National sends out the membership list/changes.  The Chair will also introduce new members at Society meetings.  Moderately good news: Our downward spiral has leveled off. Amy will send a list of 37 remaining delinquent members to exec committee, who will contact them.

Michigan Forester
Editor's update: Georgia Peterson
Business Manager's Update: Bill Hasse
The cost of hard copies is becoming prohibitively expensive. Consider an electronic-only version. Georgia P. will contact Louise Murgia to figure out who in other states are editors to send to them.  Possibly consider publishing through the Forestry Source as a supplement. Bill H. was not available to discuss the details. Could save us printing and mailing costs.

UP Chapter: Jack Penegor.
Spring Meeting. Bill C., Don H. & Ray M. have been instrumental in putting this together. John H. needs help for registration; Craig K. and Jack P. will help.

LP Chapter: Georgia Peterson
Fall Meeting volunteers: Deb Huff, Jack Pilon, Jason Hartman, Rick Myrick, Bob Moody, Doug Heym, and Mike Elenz

The topic for this fall will be forest management in riparian zones. There will not be a joint meeting with anyone related to fisheries, though they will be invited to attend. Jack discussed possible dates of early or late October (avoiding the national meeting) or early November at the RAM Center. Considering a canoe trip down the Au Sable if it doesn't snow first.

Council Report: Bernie Hubbard.
TIMO discussion re: Michael Goergen. Suggesting they're forming an association and linking with SAF. Opinions ran across the board.

Dues constitute only about 40% of SAF revenues. Independent donations totaled $110,000 last year (in addition to their normal dues).  Dues changes have been enacted, removing the sliding scale system. Discount will be issued to student members (for a few years) who graduate & move on directly to professional membership. Initiated consistent fee across states for new members of $25. After that, Michiganders will return to the $10 they've always charged. Adding a charge of $25 to Golden Members who subscribe to the Journal of Forestry. Other things became more divisive. Three categories of membership have been officially proposed: full, student & associate…will be discussed at the June meeting. Many of these more weighty issues will require bylaw changes, and thus a vote among general membership.

Rita Neznick resigned as policy chair to assume a position as a staff person in the US House (Doug Crandall has already replaced her).

Council elections for the period of 2008 thru 2010. This is Bernie's last year. Names for potential replacements due by June.

Presidential Field Forester of the Year. Due to Bernie by May 31st.

Nominations for fellow before July 1st to Mike Moore. Mike Moore to Bernie by July 1st.

Bernie is considering running for national SAF president. Petitions will be passed around, just in case.

Policy Chair: Bill 'Rocky' Rockwell

Forester perception survey of deer damage: Bill Cook

Deer Impact Tour: Jerry G. and other UP forestry & wildlife reps participated in this event on May 3rd. see memo.

Fire Position - expires March 20, 2007:  Don Dickmann: "I have forwarded a draft position statement on fire management to Rocky."  Bill R. submitted a draft position statement; all exec team members should review & submit approval/disapproval.

Awards: Craig Kasmer
Two 50-year membership certificates (C. David Ridgway, Jonas Snyder) for presentation "at an appropriate ceremony" (our next State meeting?).  Roger Misiak will be here tomorrow evening to accept his retired forester of the year award.  What about certificates? All set for this year. Still need to distribute 3 from last fall. Two 50-year awards, neither will be attending this spring. Suggested fall meeting, but will just send them to their residence. LP chapter will discuss a local celebration for these two. Three plaques left for this fall, will need to order more next year. Don H. suggested some kind of incentive (such as free overnight lodging or waived conference fees) to get golden members to attend a meeting and get their certificates. Doug H. suggested that this is probably not a financial issue, but an age issue.

What about pins? Craig will send out letters to recipients warning them that they will be awarded their pin at the fall SAF meeting. Bernie suggested that pins should be given to recipients, regardless if they appear at the meeting. Table for next Executive Team meeting. Do you need to attend a meeting to receive a pin?

Les H. moved to adjourn at 10:15pm, Ernie seconded.



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This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 
Last update of this page was 2 November, 2007