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Michigan SAF Minutes
Michigan SAF Executive Team Minutes, 8 June 2005, St. Ignace, Michigan

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Chair: Donald Dickman called the meeting to order at 1930 hrs.

Agenda: Dickman
Motion to approve agenda as presented carried.

Treasurer's Report: Pilon
Pilon reviewed the treasurer's report and noted that there had been very little activity lately and that there were not any outstanding bills as of June 6, 2005. Up to $3000 was allocated for the Spring SAF meeting with the increase to cover costs for speakers. It was also discussed that the Foresters Fund has become substantial. Total cash remaining is $6,123.72 in the General Fund with $3,220.86 in the Foresters Fund.

Motion to approve the Treasurers Report by Ferris, McNichols seconded. All in favor none opposed.

UP Chapter: Ferris
Projected the budget for the Spring meeting could break even if approximately 167 people attend.

Legislative Tour
No new information - Deb Huff not present

Strategic Communication Plan
Promote Forestry as a career. Contact Don Howlett with ideas

Auto Tour: Moll
121 signs are mapped - got survey information on about 70 of them. Of those 7% are missing. Running low on brochures - reprint or redo? Sponsors would need to be updated on the brochure.

Costs: $5,500 for 30000 brochures, ~$1,000 for signs, ~$10 per post, ~$130 for plywood, +hardware. Currently $500 is set aside - estimate about $5,500 from brochures. Will still need another $1,000 from SAF.

Comment was made that it is worth the $7000 over two years and even worth Foresters Fund money to accomplish this.
Glenn needs help working on keeping up with signs

Silviculture at MSU: Dickman
Chairs for LP and UP need to draft letters to the Dean of Agriculture. McNichols and Ferris will work on it.

DNR Forest Mgt Committee
Dickman volunteered - rotate with chair? Maybe appoint someone for a period of time. Conflicts with DNR and USFS personnel? Dickman will sit for a year and report back.

Ferris motion for Dickman to sit on the committee - Howlett seconded. Motion Passed.

VOS: Hubbard
Bernie reported on the proposed changes. Ferris suggested that restructuring will not increase interest from field foresters because they are not interested in the political structure of SAF. There was agreement on this. Dickman suggested looking to the Horticultural Society - Urban Foresters are involved with them. Conduct local group activities? Any comments should be directed to Bernie or Don.

Leadership Academy: Dickman
Who do we send next year? Incoming LP and UP chairs? Nominate someone by January.

Awards: Ernie
Set for tomorrow, few expenses. Has forms for Forester of the Year - due Sept 1. $500 in budget for Awards. Ernie will top off his supplies. $55 per plaque. Looking for new voluenteers - suggested maybe Byron Sailor?

Field Forester
Karen Garder - Bill suggested. Missed this year's deadline.

Newsletter: Georgia
Going good. Mid August for mailing deadline for next issue. Might pursue a HTML version for the web. Good job to Grossman for getting stars for the consultants map.

Archives: Dickman
Dave Lavine has them. Still space at Hartwick Pines to store them? Grossman has the file cabinets. Dickman to coordinate logistics for getting cabinets and files to meet.

Fall LP Meeting 05: McNichols
Nov 2-4 at Garland in Leweston. No theme yet.

Spring and Fall 06 Meetings: Dickman
Idea for LP meeting could be Rx Fire. Possible joint UP and LP meeting once again in Gaylord. Don will run with the idea.

Minutes: Cook
Minutes from last meeting were presented by Cook and a motion was passed to approve them.

Membership: Amy
As of the end of May 41 non-renewed people. 8% of our membership. 495 now (with the 41 in it) Down 35 from last year. People were called by National.

New Business:
Burnette and Pilon will do articles for the next newsletter on the topics discussed at the conference.

Adjourn: Dickman
Seconded by Holman. 2005 hrs.

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This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 
Last update of this page was 29 May, 2007