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Michigan SAF Minutes
Executive Team, 16 January 2004, St. Ignace

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Chair Jerry Grossman called the meeting to order at 10 AM.

Welcome and Introductions:
Members in attendance: Jerry Grossman, John Pilon, Bruce Earl, Karen Potter-Witter, Dean Wilson, Amy Douglass, Debra Huff, Georgia Peterson, Bill Rockwell, Bill Cook, Ernie Houghton, Martha Sjogren, Glenn Moll, Bill Hasse, Jim Ferris, Quent McNichols.

2004 Chair : Grossman
MSAF Objectives, Mission, Vision handout was reviewed.

Meeting agenda was reviewed.
Motion to approve the agenda made by Rockwell, seconded by Huff. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried

Secretary Report: McNichols
Minutes from the 10/20/2003 Executive Team Meeting were submitted and reviewed. Motion made by Pilon to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Earl. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Archival Team: Grossman noted that there is no archivist at this time. Huff stated that Dave Lemmein currently has the archives. Grossman will get all the archives in one place and try to find someone to purge them. Honorarium was returned to the state society.

Audit Team: Pilon and McNichols will perform an audit of 2003 during the lunch break. Pilon and Grossman will do an audit on the Michigan Forester via e-mail.

Past Chair's report: Huff
Huff reviewed highlights of the HSD meeting at the national convention. Highlights included:
HSD elected a new chair and vice-chair.
Motion was passed to supply up to $1000 directly to states.
The ice cream social at MSU was discussed.
A motion was defeated that would have made it easier for people without forestry degrees to become Certified Foresters.

Treasurer's report: Pilon
The Year 2003 Financial Status Report was reviewed. Starting balance was $2319.70. Dues were up, revenue was $5,980.23. End of year 2003 balance was $2555.05. DeVillez returned the $500 that was slated for the archives.
Foresters' Fund will be sending $1003.42 to National.
Hasse made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Seconded by Huff. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Forester's Fund: Elenz not present
Grossman reported that Mike Elenz was willing to continue as Forester's Fund Chair.

Membership: Douglass
Douglass reviewed the MSAF membership trend. Membership is down both nationally and statewide. Student enrollment in SAF is down as is the number of students studying forestry. Grossman noted that HSD wants to emphasize student enrollment in SAF and try to maintain post graduate enrollment.

Awards Team: Houghton
Houghton reported that he was getting the plaques made up for the awards, and that $500 should cover it.
Houghton asked people to think about nominees for the Distinguished Service Award. It is for someone outside SAF who has been a good partner.
Rockwell asked about nominees for the young Forester of the Year Award for 2003. Following a brief discussion Rockwell made a motion to award the Young Forester of the Year Award for 2003 if a nomination was received. Motion seconded by Hasse. One opposed, all others in favor. Motion carried.
Grossman noted there were three 50 year service awards to be presented. Recipients are John Kotar, Rodney Rugg, and Gordon Roy. They will be invited to the spring meeting and given free registration. The consensus was to also extend the invitation to past 50 year service members.

Membership at large team: Grossman for Heym
Grossman stated that Doug Heym has agreed to take this on.
Huff suggested getting something in the Michigan Forester stating that team leadership positions are available. Grossman agreed and said he would take care of this.

Policy: Rockwell
Rockwell reviewed recent e-mails on policy issues and offered to add anyone to the "team" that wanted to participate.
Rockwell asked if the group thought it was worth reemphasizing the importance of the MSU Extension to MSU staff. Consensus was that it was worth the effort. Rockwell will contact Mac Smith about pulling the group back together and meeting with the MSU staff again.
Michigan's' Healthy Forest Initiative and certification of state lands were discussed. Following discussion Grossman suggested tracking these issues and watching what National does. Rockwell will track issues.
Right to Practice Forestry - Rockwell reviewed the state of the legislation. He thinks we should not take action until there are public sessions, then we can use our handbook. Pilon will e-mail electronic copies to the Executive Team.
Land Use - this will continue to be a perennial issue. There is a county level land use planning summit coming up, Bruce Earl will go as the "SAF" person. Cook will send the agenda and an invitation to the Executive Team. Cook stated the possible role for SAF is awareness and education.
Cubic volume - The US Forest Service has introduced the notion that all wood will be sold cubically. Rockwell presented this for information purposes and did not suggest MSAF do anything.

Audit: Pilon
During the lunch break, financial statements and records from the past year were reviewed by McNichols, Grossman, and Pilon. The financial statement and all records appeared to be in order.

Communication: Cook
Cook will try to keep up the list of CFE credits. Huff will be handling the CFE coordination duties in lieu of Hudson until a new coordinator can be found. Cook and Huff both suggested a Certificate of Appreciation be given to Hudson.

SAF Display: Cook does have it. He would like a box of items such as brochures and publications to distribute at the display. The purpose of the display is to attract the eye, and then disseminate information. Huff cautioned against placing out expensive handouts. Cook would like two boxes, one for general handouts and one for specific information.

UP Auto Tour: Moll
Moll reviewed printing costs and funding of the new brochures. Total cost was $5,602.10. Cook noted that we MSAF is under National and should not have to pay taxes, he has the tax ID number. Moll will follow-up and take care of this.
Distribution to most of the visitor centers will be from the distribution center in Lansing. There will be 3600 at Newberry.
The team is developing a survey to include with the Auto Tour brochure. Surveys will be distributed at Ironwood, Menominee, St. Ignace and several of the state parks. Peterson, Potter-Witter, and Moll will develop specifics of the survey.

Image: Cook for Misiak
Cook stated that the legislators asked for a forestry tour at the Ice Cream Social. We need to figure out if we should do it on our own or in conjunction with another group. Pilon noted that MFRA put on a tour and it was poorly attended. Grossman stated that Misiak is willing to help, but it's more than he wants to take on.

MCC Liaison: Grossman will contact Ned Caveney to see if he wants to come to MSAF meetings and keep us informed.

MFRA Liaison: Grossman will talk to Ron Scott to see if he wants to be MFRA liaison.

Science/Technology Coordinator
Grossman noted that currently there is no Science and Technology Coordinator

CFE Coordinator: Huff
Huff inquired about getting the CF exam in Michigan. Grossman stated that National pays a company to proctor the exam. There is a fee and a minimum number of people required. Huff noted that conservation district people are also interested in becoming certified foresters. Cook and Huff will coordinate getting a questionnaire out to determine how many people are interested in taking the CF test at the fall meeting.

Programs Coordinator: Angel-Ling not present.
Grossman noted that Joyce is willing to be the program coordinator, but each chapter has been coming up with it's own programs.

Grossman identified the rest of the coordinators as follows:
CIF: Les Homan
SFI: Ron Scott
LSSU: Bernie Hubbard
MTU: Glenn Mroz
MSU: Karen Potter-Witter

Michigan Forester - Peterson & Hasse
There has been $200 worth of ads sold to consultants. Money was saved by Hasse doing the bulk mailings instead of having a printer do it. Hasse suggested a budget of $1800 due to reduced printing costs.
Peterson would like to get letters from the chapter chairs for the upcoming issues. The new issue is a focus on last year and the new year. The group discussed trading articles with other states.

Chapter Reports:
MTU Student Chapter - Grossman for Bach
Grossman read a letter from Bach.
MTU had just started back after semester break.
They took fourth in the 2003 Midwest Forestry Conclave.
Four officers went to the National convention.
They earned $750 with their Christmas tree sale. They are planning a spring banquet.

MSU Chapter: Potter Witter
They are pushing to get more sponsors and more student members.

LP Chapter: Lambert not present, no report.

Spring Meeting/UP Chapter: Dean Wilson
Wilson reported that the theme for the spring meeting is Public and Forestry Values and Land Management Activities. Speakers will be from state, federal, private and corporate organizations. Discussion will be on the development of land management decisions. Dates are March 25 & 26 in Marquette. Executive Team will meet March 24.
Motion made by Rockwell to allow SAF student members to attend the spring meeting for free. Seconded by Wilson. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Employer's breakfast: Grossman
Grossman said that attendance was small but the breakfast was well done. He handled the breakfast and thinks it should continue. Vice chair should normally handle this.

Fall meeting: Lambert not present, no report.

Legislative Ice Cream Social / Legislative Tour: Huff
Huff suggested we do one thing, not try to do both. She thought the tour was a better idea. Hasse thought he would be able to get $1500 for the tour, bus, and lunch.
The group agreed to organize the legislative tour for the fall. Cook will contact Casperson's office regarding dates. Cook/Grossman will do outreach to find a committee.
Hasse will try to get the funding necessary for the tour.
Rockwell suggested this would be a good venue for education and extension issues and proposed presenting our existing position statements at that time.
Once the committee is identified they will meet and work out the details of the agenda.

Family Forest Conference: Grossman for Grieves
Michigan Forest Foundation has money available. Grieves wanted us to know MFF and MFA are working toward elevating forestry.

US-Canada Forest Products Trade Symposium: Potter-Witter
The conference is scheduled for Oct. 31-Nov. 3 at MSU. Potter-Witter suggested that the SAF fall meeting be held in conjunction with the symposium. Grossman said it was up to the LP chapter to decide if it wanted to do that.
Motion by Rockwell to appoint Karen Potter-Witter and Larry Leefers to be MSAF liaisons to the conference and MSAF cosponsors of the conference. Seconded by Huff. All in favor. Motion carried.

2004 Budget Review & Approval
The 2004 budget was discussed and reviewed.
Hasse made a motion to put $1000 each in National Meetings and the Leadership Academy. Seconded by Rockwell. All in favor. Motion carried.
Policy and Legislative Event will receive $500 from the general fund and $500 from the Foresters Fund.
Rockwell moved to accept the proposed budget. Seconded by Moll. All in favor. Motion carried.
Hasse will make contacts for grants for the legislative tour.

Motion by Earl to adjourn, seconded by Huff. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned @ 3:45 PM.

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This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 
Last update of this page was 17 May, 2006