SAF Antitrust Policy

 The following two statements regarding antitrust activities were adopted by the Council on April, 30, 1980, in response to concerns expressed by some SAF members employed in the industrial sector.  The Statement of Policy of the Society of American Foresters Regarding Antitrust and Anticompetitive Activities describes SAF’s unqualified intention to observe antitrust laws; the General Rules Regarding Compliance with Antitrust Laws provide guidance on specific activities that should be avoided.

Both documents were prepared with the recognition that SAF activities pose an extremely low risk for antitrust violations.  SAF also recognizes that the forest industries bear responsibility to ensure that their employees are knowledgeable about antitrust constraints. 

Statement of Policy Regarding Antitrust and Anticompetitive Activities

The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is a professional and scientific organization whose purpose is to advance the science, technology, education, and practice of professional forestry in America.  Its objective is to use the knowledge and skills of the profession to benefit society.  SAF has no intention to, and may not, play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or their employees or employers, or in any way restrict competition among them.

Through its meetings, technical conferences, workshops, short courses, and other activities, SAF brings together representatives of the forestry profession in private and public employ.  The purpose of these activities is principally educational, and there is no intent to restrain competition in any manner.  The purpose of this statement is to make clear SAF’s unequivocal support for the policy of competition served by antitrust laws, and its uncompromising intent to comply strictly in all respects with those laws.

SAF recognizes that severe penalties could be imposed upon the Society, its individual members, and their employers if involved in any violation of antitrust laws.  These laws include the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the Robinson-Patman Act. 

It shall be the responsibility of each SAF member to comply strictly with antitrust laws in all SAF activities.  It shall be the special responsibility of elected and appointed officers, committee and working group chairs, and program chairs at all levels of SAF to ensure that this policy is known and adhered to in activities pursued under their leadership.

The Statement of Policy and the General Rules will be provided as guidance to SAF staff and to all elected and appointed officers, committees, and working group chairs, and to the program chairs at all levels of SAF.  SAF will also seek legal advice when questions arise as to the manner in which antitrust laws may apply to its activities or any unit or subdivision thereof. 

General Rules Regarding Compliance With Antitrust Laws

The following rules provide general guidance regarding compliance with antitrust laws.  Specific questions regarding the application of these rules should be directed to the Executive Vice President of the Society of American Foresters (SAF).

1.  No SAF activity or communication shall include any discussion that might be construed as an agreement or understanding written or oral, formal or informal, expressed or implied, among competitors with regard to prices or professional fees, terms or conditions of sale, distribution, timing, or volume of production, territories, or customers.

2.  Neither SAF nor any of its subdivisions, committees, task forces, or working groups shall undertake any activity which involves exchange or collection of information among competitors regarding prices, pricing methods, or costs of production, sales, or distribution without first seeking the advice of legal counsel provide by SAF.

3.  No SAF activity or communication shall include any discussion that might be construed as an attempt to prevent any person or business entity from gaining access to any market or customer for goods or services, or to prevent any business entity from obtaining a supply of goods or otherwise purchasing goods or service freely in the market.

4.  No SAF activity or communication shall include discussion which might be construed as an agreement or understanding, written or oral, formal or informal, expressed or implied, to limit or restrict the size of the profession through accreditation of schools or the discipline of members.

5.  No SAF activity or communication shall include discussion which might be construed as an agreement or understanding, written or oral, formal or informal, expressed or implied, to refrain from purchasing or selling any raw material, equipment, services, or other supplies from any supplier, or to any customer. 

6.  No SAF activity or communication shall involve any discussion of costs, or any exchange of cost information, for the purpose or with the probable effect of: (a) increasing, maintaining, or stabilizing prices; or (b) reducing competition in the marketplace with respect to the range or quality of products or services offered.

7.  Authors of convention and conference papers shall be informed of the Statement of Policy of the Society of American Foresters Regarding Antitrust and Anticompetitive Activities and the General Rules Regarding Compliance with Antitrust Laws and advised to comply therewith in the preparation and presentation of papers.

8.  All members shall comply with these General Rules and the Statement of Policy during informal discussions while going to or from and at the site of any SAF meeting, but beyond the control of its chair, as well as in formal SAF activities. 


Michigan SAF Home Page

This website is maintained by Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension Forest in the Upper Peninsula.  Comments, questions, and suggestions are gratefully accepted. 

Last update of this page was 23 September, 2005





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